Hello ladies and germs! Long time no see! There's a lot of stuff that's new with me so I think I should start with my personal favorite piece of news. I joined the Marine Corps! I'm currently on Delayed Entry Program, waiting to be shipped off to boot camp, so not a Marine yet. I'll be Infantry. That's right, front lines and shootin' people, or at least, that's what I like to tell future employers. That's good right?
Anyhow, I'm not in school anymore, which is pretty awesome, but I got laid off from one of my jobs, so it's not awesome. Lucky me I still have one job, but I need more hours... You know the drill.
I'm looking at making a move to Jacksonville Florida! I'm kinda stoked, but it's still in the planning stages.
I guess the real reason I updated this was to announce my new song on the portal called "Blade Breaker." I worked hard on it, so please enjoy!
Checking your song now. Good luck on your deployment; remember it's not how much water you drink, but how often!